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Accessing a Search Screen

A search screen provides a list of all records in that particular module. So for example clicking on rental quotes will display a list of all rental quotes. This is can be reduced by searching and/or filtering the data in the list.

There are two types of search screens:

  • Search screens with only headers

  • Screens screens with details

Search screens with only headers display the header data for the particular module. An example of a search screen with only headers is customers. An example of a search screen with details is rental quotes, the search screen will display the header information, and also the details if the user chooses to expand the header.

Links in Search Screens

When on any search screen there will be text that is blue and underlined. This means there is a detail screen that can be viewed that relates to this record

Searching & Filtering data

In all search screens there is a search box where a user can search for any data within the list, while on the right of the screen is a filter by button where a user can filter the data. If a user clicks on a filter it will apply the filter to the list. When a filter is applied, the user can still user the search functionality.

In a search screen with details the search functionality works at both a header and detail level.

Hiding & Changing Column Order

A user can choose to hide columns and the order of the columns by clicking on the customize option on the right.

Options Button

All search screens will have an options button on the top right of the screen. The options button will display the options available in the screen, this is typically going to be to create a new record.

Video Example

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