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Mobile Transport

Mobile Transport allows drivers to complete delivery & pick-ups of delivery dockets on a mobile device or tablet. Equipment Numbers can be allocated during the delivery docket process.

Latner Desktop

  1. Create rental contract

  2. Add equipment details

    1. Equipment, class, model or Equipment Number

  3. Go to Options

    1. Create Transport

  4. Confirm the equipment that is to be delivered

  5. Select the driver

Mobile Transport App

  1. Driver can view

    1. My Transport - Delivery dockets allocated to the driver

    2. Today - Where the delivery date is today

    3. Tomorrow - Where the delivery date is tomorrow

  2. Select the delivery docket to be actioned

  3. Driver to confirm what equipment is being delivered

    1. Items that have not be confirmed will display as Red

  4. Click on the line and confirm the below

    1. Equipment Number

    2. Quantity

    3. Meter Reading (If applicable)

    4. Photos

  5. Click Confirm

  6. Repeat with any other equipment that needs to be confirmed

  7. Take photos of machine

  8. Take signature

  9. Complete Transport

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