Using the Rental Daily Dashboard Screen
There are some important exception reporting that rental coorindators need to closey manage. These are available by accessing the below screen.
Rental → Rental Daily Dashboard
The Rental Daily Overview covers the below functionality:
A list of reservations that can be filtered by date and C.O.D customers (cash customers)
Highlighted red means there is an open inspection
Highlighted yellow means there is no transport docket
A list of deliveries that can be filtered by date, unassigned and overdue
Customer Collections
A list of collections that can be filtered by date and overdue
Pick Ups
A list of pick ups that can be filtered by date, unassigned and overdue
A list of active rental contracts that can be filtered by date and C.O.D Customers
Off Hire Not Returned
Equipment that has been be off hired but not returned and can be filtered by C.O.D customers
Past Expected Off hire Date
Equipment that is pasted the expected off hire date and can be filtered by C.O.D customers
Overdue C.O.D
C.O.D customers that are overdue for payments againsts rental contracts
Returned Not Invoiced
Equipment that has been returned but not invoiced
Awaiting Completion
Active rental contracts that can be completed and can be filtered by C.O.D customers
While in the Rental Daily Dashboard users can also create a rental quote or rental contract via the options menu in the top right.